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Título : México y la iniciativa de la ruta de la seda / Mexico and the silk road initiative
Otros títulos : Dilemas contemporáneos
Autor : Casas Fraire, Ignacio
Autor: Díaz Gómez, Eduardo Raúl
Marja-Liisa, Tenhunen
Palabras clave : Commerce;Road;Silk;México;China
Sede: Campus Tijuana
Fecha de publicación : jun-2020
Citación : Año VIII, Publicación #1
Resumen : :China and its neighbors have started one of the most important infrastructure projects in history. This is called the One Road One Belt initiative, also known as the Silk Road. Its purpose is to increase commerce and making its operations more efficient in Asia, Eurasia, Africa, and Europe. Additionally, there is evidence that suggests that China is trying to improve its trade relationship with Latin American and Caribbean countries. The case of Mexico is interesting because its strong commercial ties to the United States and lack of complementarity with the Chinese market makes the Silk Road initiative of little interest to the Mexican government.
metadata.dc.description.url: https://doi.org/10.46377/dilemas.v8i1.2427
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/951
ISSN : ISSN:2007-7890
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revistas

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