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dc.contributor.authorPicos, Kenia-
dc.contributor.authorOrozco Rosas, Ulises-
dc.contributor.authorDíaz Ramírez, Víctor H.-
dc.contributor.otherCETYS Universidades_ES
dc.coverage.spatialOptics and Photonics for Information Processing XIII 2019 - San Diego, United Stateses_ES
dc.description.abstractThis paper proposes frequency-domain correlation filtering to solve object recognition of three-dimensional (3D) targets. We perform a linear correlation in the frequency domain between an input frame of the video sequence and a designed filter. This operation measures the correspondence between the two signals. In order to produce a high matching score, we design a bank of correlation filters, in which each filter contains unique information of the target in a single view and statistical parameters of the scene. In this paper, we demonstrate the feasibility of correlation filters used to solve 3D object recognition and their robustness to different image conditions such as noise, cluttered background, and geometrical distortions of the target. The evaluation performance presents a high accuracy in terms of quantitative metrics.es_ES
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 México*
dc.subjectCorrelation filterses_ES
dc.subjectFrequency domain filteringes_ES
dc.subjectObject recognitiones_ES
dc.subjectThree-dimensional estimationes_ES
dc.titleDemonstrating the robustness of frequency-domain correlation filters for 3D object recognition applicationses_ES
Aparece en las colecciones: Ponencias

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