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Título : Autonomous navigation for a holonomic drive robot in an unknown environment using a depth camera
Otros títulos : Optics and photonics for information processing XIV
Autor : Alemán, Jesús
Monjardín, Héctor
Orozco Rosas, Ulises
Picos, Kenia
Otros Autores: CETYS Universidad
Palabras clave : Autonomous;Holonomic;Robot;Depth camera
Fecha de publicación : 21-ago-2020
Citación : 11509;XIV
Resumen : The present paper explores the implementation of the RRT* path planning algorithm aided with a depth sensor in a physical robot for path planning and re-planning in a partially-known or unknown environment, the robot is capable of omnidirectional motion and aims to move from a starting location to a goal location in different environments. The proposed algorithm allows the robot to move through a map while avoiding collision by detecting unknown obstacles and updating the map for further planning and motion if required. The implementation and experimental results are presented for indoor environments with partial or non-knowledge of the environment in order to achieve autonomous navigation for a holonomic drive robot in an unknown environment using a depth camera as an optical sensing device.
metadata.dc.description.url: https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2568163
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/866
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revistas

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