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Título : Benevolence and universalism as sustainable entrepreneurship mindset triggers on undergraduate students
Autor : Pérez Núñez, Sylvia Mónica
Martínez Flores, Raúl
Woolfolk-Ruiz, Diana
Palabras clave : Sustainable mindset;Values;Benevolence;Universalism
Sede: Campus Tijuana
Fecha de publicación : 22-sep-2022
Resumen : The purpose of this study is to statistically measure the differences between the values perception of first and fourth-year undergraduate students by evaluating the relative importance of the values of the self-transcendence spectrum, universalism, and benevolence as triggers of the sustainable entrepreneur’s mindset. Educating for sustainability means students’ engagement in projects and initiatives that nurture a sustainable mindset. Values do matter when it comes to sustainability focus business. Using the Schwartz human value scale to address values at the heart of education for sustainability, and a sample of 236 undergraduate students, we found evidence that the value of benevolence moves up the scale on the values profile once the fourth-year students are exposed to projects and initiatives that nurture the development of students´ sustainable mindset. Understanding the values profile of undergraduate students should help those on the frontlines of entrepreneurial education identify and develop entrepreneurs’ mindsets in addressing sustainable challenges.
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/1441
Aparece en las colecciones: Interdisciplinaria

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