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Título : High performance COTS-IoT prototype for dynamic power control in an electrical grid
Otros títulos : Journal of Electrical Systems
Autor : López-Leyva, Josué Aarón
Ponce Camacho, Miguel Ángel
Valle, A.
Talamantes-Álvarez, Ariana
Palabras clave : Automatic control.;Power system analysis computing;Prototypes;Microcontrollers;Internet of Things
Fecha de publicación : jun-2019
Citación : 15;2
Resumen : A low-cost energy-monitoring prototype using a COTS-IoT de-vice for dynamic automatic control of an electrical grid is present-ed. In particular, the design, electrical characterization and real implementation considering the use of a portable universal test equipment (PTE-100-C) are showed. The proposed system was connected to a real electrical grid (emulated scenario) and a central server during 168 hours in order to establish a maximum dynamical threshold and generate control commands for the local electrical station based on the dynamical energy consumption profile according to some physical aspects and acceptable performance criteria mentioned in ANSI C12.20
metadata.dc.description.url: https://journal.esrgroups.org/jes/papers/15_2_1.pdf
URI : https://repositorio.cetys.mx/handle/60000/129
ISSN : 1112-5209
Aparece en las colecciones: Artículos de Revistas

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